Monday, March 24, 2008

Reading is a good thing.

So I've been spending some time working on my standard notation reading. This next recording is my latest practical project. I'm playing three parts of Vus Vet Zayn, a traditional Klezmer piece. There are 2 mandolin parts and one mandola part. I don't have a mandola yet, but I noticed none of the notes were below the mandolin open G so I just played it on the mandolin.

This song would really benefit from a smoother tremolo than I currently possess. I'll plan on posting again in a month and see if it's any better. Also, this song increases tempo after every 10 bars or so. Just thought I should let you know that I'm not rushing (at least trying not to :-).

Here it is:


steve.e.cantrell said...

I dig it. I've listened to some of Statman's Klezmer and really enjoyed it. The mandolin seems to lend itself over to this music very easily.

One of own goals is to learn standard notation. I can read it now, just not up to speed. Time and practice, I suppose.

Anonymous said...


Ran across your site from Steve in S.C. and enjoyed. Always glad to find another mandolin player.

My blog is on medicine and bluegrass music. I am a Family Doc who plays mandolin. Come visit if you get a chance.

Dr. Tom Bibey

MandolinDon said...

Thanks Steve and Tom. Tom, I'm on my way to visit your blog right now.

Keep pickin'

Tom Cunliffe said...

Its a pretty piece in a minor key and works very well on the mandos. Great stuff.

Tom C

MandolinDon said...

Thanks Tom,

I enjoyed one of your videos on youtube as well.

Dotty said...

Very cool. I play in the MInnesota Mandolin Orchestra and we've been playing an arrangement of Vus Vet Zayn for the past year. It's a big crowd pleaser - definitely wakes people up!

I think this site is a great idea.

Can you do a post that speaks a little more about your learning process to date? I'm 2 years into mine and in a little bit of a rut. There are similar outfits here (the West Bank School of Music is probalby the most similar). Hearing your results after 4 years inspires me to seek out lessons again!

Great blog!

MandolinDon said...

Thanks Dotty,

I believe I'm working from the same arrangement - from Lon!

I'm traveling on vacation right now and won't really be able to post for a little while.

As for ruts, I'll say that ruts have not been uncommon in my last few years! I do find that ensemble classes and workshops can be very inspirational. Stick with it and I'm sure you'll find your way out of the rut.

- don